2024 East Regional Meeting

May 15 - 16 | Providence, RI

Meeting Attendance Requirement

Attending a 2024 Regional Meeting satisfies the District Meeting attendance requirement per the rules and regulations noted below.

General Manager Attendance Requirement

500.58 Each Best Western Property is required to assign and maintain a full time General Manager, empowered, responsible, and accountable for the daily operations of the Property. The General Manager shall attend either the Annual Convention or a District (Regional) Meeting each year.

It is important to note that if attending a Regional Meeting, the General Manager may attend any of the Regional Meetings scheduled in order to satisfy the meeting attendance requirement. The Voting Member cannot attend in place of the General Manager unless the Voting Member is also the designated General Manager as registered in the Best Western corporate records.

Property Meeting Attendance

500.11 A Member or designated operating manager or active management employee of each Best Western Property shall attend either the Annual Convention or a District Meeting each year.

Accordingly, based on Rule 500.11, only one of the individuals designated must attend Convention or a District (Regional) Meeting. These individuals could be the owner, voting member or any other active member of the property’s management team.

How do I earn GM continuing education credits at the Regional Meeting?

General Managers will earn one (1) General Manager Continuing Education (GM CE) point for attending a 2024 Regional Meeting.

Your current 6-digit Hotel Portal Username (also known as your MemberWeb ID) must be provided at the time of registration to credit your account in OWL.

You must also check in at the conference registration desk and provide photo identification in order to receive your badge. Once you have checked in onsite, record of your attendance will be provided to the BWH Hotels Education & Training Department.

Optional workshops held before the meeting, may also be eligible for GM CE points. Classes that are worth CE points are noted in program descriptions on the Pre-Meeting Workshops tab of this website.

For more information regarding how to earn GM CE points, please refer to the Education & Training Department tab on hotel.bwhhotelgroup.com.

Registration Cancellation Policy

To cancel your registration, email the BW Conferences Desk at bwconferences@bwh.com. Please include the registrant’s name, property name, and property number cancelling.

In accordance with Best Western Rules & Regulations 500.50 every property in the system is automatically billed a non-refundable $494 registration fee in April. If you are the only person attending from your property and you cancel, your registration fee will not be refunded.

Additional registrations will be refunded only if the cancellation is received prior to Wednesday, May 8th

No-shows will also be billed.

Pre-Meeting Workshops Cancellation Policy: Please refer to the session descriptions on the

Pre-Meeting Workshops page for cancellation policy details.

Need Assistance?

Please contact the BWH Hotels Meetings & Events Team with any questions about this event.