May 15 - 16 | Providence, RI
Rhode Island Convention Center
1 Sabin Street
Providence, RI 02903
*Pre-Billed Registration Fee: $494 USD
Additional Attendees (from the same property): $344 USD
*Each property will be billed a registration fee for the meeting on the April 1 statement. This fee is billed regardless of attendance and is non-refundable.
With regard to Regional Meetings only, if a Voting Member represents more than one Property in a District, one Property will be billed the full registration fee, and the additional properties will receive a discount of $150 off their registration fee.
IMPORTANT: Even though the property is pre-billed, attendees MUST still register if planning to attendee the meeting.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Online and onsite registrations received after this date will incur an additional $150 late fee in addition to the pre-billed registration fee.
Wednesday, May 8th
To cancel your registration, email the BW Conferences Desk at Please include the registrant’s name, property name, and property number cancelling.
If you are the only person attending from your property and you cancel, your registration fee will not be refunded, per BW R&R 500.50.
Additional registrations will be refunded only if the cancellation is received prior to May 8th.
No shows will also be billed.
Social event tickets are for spouses, guests, and/or children who will only be attending social or meal functions. These tickets are not eligible for GM or attendance credit.
Please contact the BWH Hotels Meetings & Events Team with any questions about this event.